Written by Kae Goode

As Abolitionists, most of our work is about dismantling the systems we have been forced to live within. The Destruction of Prisons, Policing, and White Supremacy as an overall structure is so crucial but, only one piece to the overall puzzle. It’s also very important that we simultaneously use that same creativity to cultivate our futures beyond these systems. To some the future feels so far and out of reach, but the future is now and there is so much we can do for one another in the present. Currently we are in February, and this month we celebrate Black History Month and Valentine’s Day, both observances that remind us of what we can create with one another. This month, we remember the importance of honoring our ancestors as well as their impact, cultivating care networks, and last but not least forming a practice around love and building community. In All About Love, bell hooks says, “We can begin the process of making community wherever we are. We can begin by sharing a smile, a warm greeting, a bit of conversation; by doing a kind deed or by acknowledging kindness offered to us. Doing this we engage in love practice […] we lay foundation for the building of community with strangers. The love we make in community stays with us wherever we go. With this knowledge as our guide, we make any place we go, a place where we return to love.”