Abolition, Love, and Black History

Abolition, Love, and Black History

Written by Kae Goode As Abolitionists, most of our work is about dismantling the systems we have been forced to live within. The Destruction of Prisons, Policing, and White Supremacy as an overall structure is so crucial but, only one piece to the overall puzzle. It’s...

Job Opportunity: Digital Organizer

Freedom to Thrive is hiring! At Freedom To Thrive we are actively working to create a world where safety means investment in people & planet and to end the punishment-based criminal and immigration systems. We understand that those who will join our team are from...

Job Opportunity: Lead Organizer (NY Based)

Freedom to Thrive is hiring! At Freedom To Thrive we are actively working to create a world where safety means investment in people & planet and to end the punishment-based criminal and immigration systems. We understand that those who will join our team are from...
Solidarity with Haitian Migrants

Solidarity with Haitian Migrants

Just a few weeks ago, the whole world witnessed with horror the actions carried out against Haitian immigrants by ICE agents– actions that drew comparisons to the violence slave catchers inflicted against Black people seeking freedom from slavery. The Biden...