Yesterday, the Freedom Cities Movement took over the streets of lower Manhattan. Along the way we stopped in front of corporations, financial institutions and civic offices that are the root causes of worker exploitation, immigrant detention, police brutality and gentrification.
One of our stops was a Chase Bank where we exposed their connections to mass incarceration, immigration detention and climate change, and demand that they divest and pay reparations to the communities they have harmed.
Yesterday, the collaboration between the National Prison Divestment Campaign and the Corporate Backers of Hate Campaign published a new report exposing Chase, Wells Fargo, and other major financial institutions who have hijacked the political system to increase their profits. Freedom Cities is collaborating with the National Prison Divestment Campaign to target and expose these players, and also to win reparations and reinvestment.
Yesterday, we took the streets and marched. Today, we continue movement building and working to change the narrative and redefine safety so that our communities can thrive and be free. Next month, we will lead an action against Wall Street and Corporations profiting from incarcerating our loved ones; and then in August we will participate in the Night Out for Safety & Liberation. Join us in building Freedom Cities, together we are unstoppable.
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